Bunco Mamas... Girls' Night Out!

Bunco is a social event. It’s a party. Twelve of us get together monthly, and we leave everything else behind. Kids are home with dad, and moms have a night out. We come without our diets, and we snack on m&ms, chex-mix, and anything else in front of us. We eat dinner and have double dessert. Most importantly, we have girl talk. We talk about kids, family, friends, husbands, jobs, TV shows, movies, current events, and whatever else. And we have a great time playing a mindless dice game!

Friday, November 03, 2006

November Bunco

November Bunco is at Christine's!

We'll meet at 6:30pm on November 14...
Don't forget your "favorite things" gift to exchange.
See you all soon!!

***Also, send out a big WELCOME shout
to Tara who's the newest member of our group!
Yay! Thanks for stepping in, Tara!***


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